June 16th 04, 06:31 PM
In ,
(Nicolai Carpathia) wrote:
From: (Frank*Gilliland)
little group is what comprises the "akc" that Frank always refers. Hell,
"AKC" is one of Frank's favorite terms,,google THAT term and see who
pioneered it,,,Doug, Frank, Lelnad, Geogre, and Hall..in that order.
Oh really? I don't think I have ever typed "akc"
in any of my posts until now.
Results 1 - 10 of about 402 for "Sparky" "akc". (0.60 seconds)*
Sorted by relevance* *Sort by date
Related groups:**rec.radio.cb
Very good, Twist. Now search through each one and count how many of
those occurances were quoted from another post instead of typed by me.
(Twisty cast the first stone)
"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM
have a problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and
are both too small to admit it."
"...but as usual, your best simpl isn;t good enough."
"Athis is how proper communication wroks..."
---- Twistedhed ----
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