If I understand your description correctly, I'd be highly suspicious of
the results from AO or any other MININEC-based program because of the
antenna's relatively low height. I recommend that you model the antenna
with an NEC-2 based program using the Sommerfeld ground model (called
"high-accuracy" ground in EZNEC) -- otherwise you might be pretty
disappointed when you actually build it. Be sure to make note of the
strength of the pattern as well as the shape of the NEC-2 program
results, unless you're using the antenna only for receiving.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
JLB wrote:
. . .
By the way, I 'invented' an interesting antenna several years ago, which I
call the half-quad. The best way to describe it is dto picture a diamond
shape quad, fed at the side corner, half buried in the ground. Shows some
interesting patterns on the good ol' AO program. I came up with a three
element version with one feed point (center element). You can change
directions by switching a capacitor or inductor in and out of the two
'outside' elements. It didn't use terminating resistors. I couldn't get a
multiband version to work. (and, no, I haven't built it yet)
(and yes, I qualify for the OT club but don't want to admit it quite yet).