After investigating a large set of traveling wave antennas (not
Beverage) I think that the smallest amount of power dissipated in the
terminating resistance was about 2 db. Mind, these were antennas with
useful lengths and angles. It is likely that a rhombic with very long
leg lengths would dissipate even less in its termination resistance.
For amusement, I will have a look some time. One needs a lot of
segments to simulate a three wire, ten wavelength rhombic!
The antenna in question can be a useful expedient in exigent
Nice to hear from N8EE, another of Kraus' boys. 73 Mac N8TT
J. Mc Laughlin - Michigan USA
"JLB" wrote in message
If I remember my traveling wave antenna theory, he wouldn't
necessarily be
loosing 3 dB in the resistors. At higher frequencies more of the
radiates before it gets to the loads, does it not?