June 20th 04, 07:25 AM
In , wrote:
The stated objective of your tests was to evaluate and quantify the
performance of various antennas, drawing conclusions that could be
extended beyond your testing conditions. However, the technical level
of the tests exceeded the limitations of your equipment, education and
experience. Your methods were less than scientific, your data was
superficial and contradictory, and your conclusions were few and
highly subjective. When the data from your first test didn't meet your
expectations you provided excuses. Your second test proved that your
excuses were wrong, so you made new excuses. Your data could not be
quantified, yet you proclaimed that x antenna was better than y
antenna was better than z antenna. You clearly failed to meet the
objective of your tests. You don't know why you failed, so you made
excuses for your failure. When you bragged about your tests in the
newsgroup I evaluated your failures one by one. You then blamed -me-
because you can't accept and correct your own failures.
I only stated the obvious.
1. After eliminating human error the A/B test were repeatable.
If the "human error" is inability to read a 5-LED S-meter, sure, it's
easy to eliminate the error by not reading the meter.
2. The SS steel whip could be beat by shorter antennas
Only antennas that were designed using temporal physics.
3. The non believers could only sight theory and would never
do the test themselves.
This is not a religious debate; i.e, "believers" vs "non-believers".
Your test was supposed to be a scientific experiment with conclusions
based on empirical data. You formed your conclusions without that
empirical data.
OTOH, I did a simple test for fun, posted my observations, and
provided my very limited conclusion WITH WHICH YOU AGREED. So
according to -YOU- my test was both valid and conclusive.
I only agree that if your "hair method" test is valid then my tests
were even more valid.
You said: "Such an antenna always has fields in both polarizations. I
never stated it didn't". You agreed with my -only- conclusion that the
antenna under test had both horizontal and vertical polarization. You
therefore validated my test, my data, and my conclusion.
Yet your obsession with me pushed you to try -- once again -- to
discredit me in a technical discussion. And once again you failed. And
once again you will blame me for your failure. If anything you should
be asking questions instead of trying to act like some sort of radio
guru (which you definitely are not).
NOW do you see how this works?
Yes I do. You still don't understand that a 9' SS whip can be beat by
shorter antennas.
It can't. Not unless it is has multiple elements or it's made from a
superconductor. Also, check out Landshark's link.
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