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Old June 23rd 04, 12:24 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In , wrote:

If you have any other question just do a google search.

I already have:

For starters, you claimed that you tested a 1" silver pipe, but in
your previous tests you claimed no such thing -- the closest thing to
a 1" silver pipe would have been the "one inch wire braid covering a
fiberglass rod 9' tall" that you used in your first test. So which was
it; a 1" braid, a 1" silver pipe, or both? And if you went through the
effort and expense to test a 1" silver pipe, why was that not reported
in any of the previous test results? And whether it was pipe or braid,
how did you mount it to a 3/8-24 stud using a hose clamp? How was it
tuned and/or pruned?

In posts previous to the first test you claimed that the 7' Firestik
outperforms the 108" whip. The first test mentions that both a Tentec
-and- a Kenwood were used as receivers for the test, but the data
shows a discrepancy in the received signal strength between the two
radios. And this discrepancy was not just in your 'averaged' results
but also in your "gain order". Your first test had the following
'averages' from the Tentec:

1" braid -- 3.1 s units
5'4" X-terminator -- 3.05
108" SS whip -- 3
7' Firestik -- 2.65

From the Kenwood:

1" braid -- 2.3 s units
5'4" X-terminator -- 2.2
7' Firestik -- 2.15
108" SS whip -- 2.1

Your second test yielded a consistent "gain order" of:

1. X-terminator
2. Firestik
3. 108" whip

Just recently you claimed:

silver pipe -- 3.1
X-terminator -- 3.05
108" SS whip -- 3

These latest figures are consistent with your first test with the
exception of the silver pipe (it seems that 1" silver pipe is just as
efficient as 1" braid over fiberglass, huh?) Yet I can't help but
notice that these results have one, and -ONLY- one thing in common:
the X-terminator outperformed everything except the pipe/braid.

Now since ALL the other data was contradictory, how did you justify
the validity of the ONE and ONLY thing that was consistent? Less than
24 hrs ago that "Relative field strength doesn't lie. Even if it's
your radio." How do you justify your inconsistent results when, by
your own admission, "relative field strength doesn't lie"?

Back to your 'averages'; In order to calculate an average you must
have a set of data. Unless you have a photographic memory, you must
have written down this data in order to calculate the average. That
means the data was recorded. Where is that data? And if you didn't
save the data (which means you didn't save the video tape from the
second test), then what was the standard deviation for each antenna?
This information is not in your previous posts but is required to
duplicate your test, because if I have a standard deviation that is
higher than yours then my conditions are fluctuating and my results
would be invalid.

I also require the make/model of the vehicle for reasons already
stated. This information is also not available in your previous posts.

The bottom line is that there is only one way to determine
what antenna will outperform another antenna when we
know the results will be very close.

"We" know no such thing.

When the results are very close the only way to determine
the best antenna is by the use of a side by side comparison.

The only way to validate -your- results is to duplicate -your- test.
If I do a test -my- way you will have room to whine about variables
between the methods. In order to eliminate those confounds, my test
must be done as closely as possible to the original test. I can't do
that without the information I am requesting.

A side by side comparison can only be done by physically
having the antennas and testing them. It can't be done here.

Where is "here"? The newsgroup? Of course it can't be done on the
newsgroup. It -can- be done in Spokane, but not without the
information I have requested in order to eliminate any significant

Conclusion. If you really are interested in the truth, you'd just
do the test yourself.

That's what I am trying to do. Provide the information so I can
duplicate your test.

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