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Old June 23rd 04, 03:34 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

In , wrote:

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 20:20:00 -0700, Frank Gilliland

In ,

Do your own test. I know the results. The X-Terminator and similar
antennas do match or better a 9 foot stainless steel whip.

I -have- done my own tests and I have -never- seen a loaded antenna
outperform an unloaded 1/4-wave whip, stainless steel or fiberglass.
That's why I am trying to duplicate -your- test -- a test where loaded
antennas -can- outperform an unloaded whip.

That's not my test. I specifically tested the X-terminator. Although
I know there are other similar loaded antennas that should do just as
well I can only make claims about this antenna.

You tested the X-terminator, the 7' Firestik (both of which are loaded
antennas) and the 108" whip (an unloaded antenna). Your conclusions
were that the loaded antennas outperformed the unloaded antennna. That
was your test regardless of how you word it. BTW, I still intend to
duplicate your test. Anybody got a 5'4" X-terminator they would be
willing to let me use for the test? I'll pay shipping both ways if
that's a problem, and I'll list the person's name as a contributor to
the test if they want. Any takers?

The copper, silver, or silver braided antennas of one inch in diameter
at 9 feet will beat them all.

Ok, so you tested 1" copper pipe, 1" silver pipe -AND- 1" braided
silver? Where on earth did you find 1" silver braid?

Given to me to test. ( large ground strap wrapped around a fiberglass

You still haven't come clean on what exactly you tested. Was it 1"
silver pipe or 1" silver braid? Was it silver or tinned copper? How
was it mounted to a 3/8-24 stud using a hose clamp? How was it trimmed
for SWR? How many times have I asked those questions? How many times
have you dodged those questions? How long will you continue to dodge
those questions?

Stop whining and do your own test.

As I have stated before, the purpose of -my- test is to duplicate the
results of -your- test. I can't do that without the information I have
requested. It is absolutely impossible to perform all the tests and
calculations you claimed and -not- have that information. So are you
going to provide the information or not...........

Give me a break..............Are you a moron? A a/b test does not
take any calculations. Stop trying to make excusers.

Is A stronger than B?...............If so is A stronger than C? If so
is B stronger than C? Where's the calculation needed to get the
relative gain order?

The average (or 'mean', as used in statistics proper) is very much a
mathematical calculation. Since your tests produced three significant
digits of relative gain which you claim was averaged from several
measurements, the only logical conclusion is that you performed such a
calculation. If you did not calculate the average then how did you
come up with those numbers? Did you observe your "relative gain order"
then pick some random numbers from the meter and assign them to each
antenna according to your "gain order"? It certainly looks that way
since you don't even know how to calculate an average.

Oh hell, why am I wasting my time...... of course you won't because
you can't. It's obvious that you never performed any of those tests.
They were probably devised and executed only in your imagination, and
were nothing more than an elaborate scheme to promote your unqualified
and unquantified opinions.

No................. You'll never performed the test. That's why you
won't stop whining.

Enough with the 'whining' dodge. Either you have the data or you lied
about the tests. Which is it?

"Let's see, I used one inch braid over fiberglass..... no, wait, I
think it was silver pipe...... no, it was silver braid..... or maybe
it was tinned copper braid...... oh, NOW I remember, I tested copper
pipe, silver pipe, lead pipe, sewer pipe, copper braid, tinned copper
braid, silver braid, braided rope, braided hair and nylon panty-hose!
So there! Nyah!"


Get bent, tnom.

Whine whine whine

Excuses, excuses, excuses. You don't have the data. You lied about
your tests.

The funny thing is that I -am- going to do these tests just to prove,
beyond any doubt, that you are a liar and have been lying about your
tests for seven years. And I am going to do these tests regardless of
whether you step up to the plate and admit your fake tests. I am also
going to do the tests with the cooperation of other CBers that can
verify the results so nobody can claim that I fabricated the data like
you did. Specifics to come at a later date, including the time and
location of the test (which I have not yet set). If anybody wants me
to test their antenna, contact me via email to make arrangements.

Have a nice day, tnom!

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