Subject: CB Radio Recommendations
From: (I Am Not George)
Date: 6/26/2004 1:35 PM Mountain Standard Time
I use a Icom 706MKII-G and set the memory channels to
the 40 CB channels. This way it's easy to stay on channel
and change channels while mobile. For
an antenna..I use a 102" stainless-steel
whip on a ball mount. Get pretty good signal reports.
thats illegal and stupid to use a $700 radio for one band but good choice of
I'll second that opinion. I always laugh when I hear operators on 38 LSB say
they are running a Yaesu, Kenwood, or Icom rig on 11 meters. Why spend all
that money to talk on one band when a $200 Uniden, Cobra, or Galaxy will do the
job just as well as the high priced amateur rig?
For what it's worth, I use an "old" (early 90's) Uniden PC122 and a five foot
Wilson Silver Load for my mobile setup and have no trouble getting out. And
you need no special equipment to properly tune a radio and antenna for SSB
operation. Just make sure you have the mode switch on your radio set to AM
when you check your SWR.