6-meters has been ROCKIN' here in the Northeast as well. ALOT of
'double-hop' from 2-land to 6/7- land.
"Scott in Baltimore" wrote in message
Last night was an incredible night for ducting on the East Coast.
I talked from Baltimore to Long Island on 146.505 simplex using a
three element coathanger yagi at 15 feet off the ground with 50 watts.
Radio is an Icom 2100H. Nothing fancy here.
I was bringing up repeaters by the threes and fours calling CQ.
Also, 11 meters was active yesterday afternoon, and I talked to
Indiana from my mobile on 38 LSB. Now calling as 104 in Baltimore.
Can't say I'm not radio active.
Now that the weather has changed, I don't expect good ducting tonight.
According to the Hepburn Tropo prediction page
things may be good anyway. If it's not raining, I'll set up again tonight.
This guy does a real good job predicting tropo ducting.