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Old July 9th 04, 04:22 PM
Jay in the Mojave
Posts: n/a

Hello Chris:

The lil wil antenna is smaller low performance antenna, designed to be
small and easy to install. Its purpose is to allow you have short
distance communciations, say 5 to 10 milkes in good areas, or just chit
chat with local stations.

You can improve the antennas performane by installing a wire from the
antenna end coax shield wire to the vehicles body. Maynot be real easy.

But then I would check the SWR to make sure it didn't change much.

The lil wil, will have a narrower bandwidth as compared to other longer

Jay in the Mojave

Chris wrote:

I have a lil wil antenna, How should I ground it my truck. I was told to
place wax paper between the antenna and the paint so it would not scratch.
Should I just run a ground wire from the radio housing to a frame ground?