Hello Lancer and Chris:
I didn't see this orginal posting?!?!?!?!?
If you are grounding the radio and coax shield at the radio end of the
coax and this significantly is changing the SWR, then that tells me that
the coax is not properly grounded to the vehicles body. And you have the
coax radiating a lot. Or that even the antenna itself has something
wrong with it?
I have noticed that some magnet mount antennas, the SWR can change a
little by moving the coax around a little. This maybe true with the lil
wil antenna. I have replaced the cheap RG-58 Coax on the lil wil
antennas with the good stuff, RG-142 its a Teflon double shielded coax
that is bullet proof.
The lil will antenna can be tuned by changing the antenna length od the
internal coil being compressed or uncompressed.
Jay in the Mojave
Lancer wrote:
On Thu, 8 Jul 2004 13:39:18 -0700, "Chris" wrote:
I have a lil' Wil magnet mount antenna. When I try to ground the radio
housing to the frame of my truck the SWR reading goes from around 2.0 to 4
or 5. What am I doing wrong?
Have you tried tuning your antenna after you grounded your radio?