Monkey Made
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July 16th 04, 05:43 PM
Nicolai Carpathia
Posts: n/a
(Nicolai Carpathia) wrote in message
Hey Villafane,,,,,,where art thou? Monkey Made made a believer.
That antenna is uglyier than crap! However,
they work very well suprisingly.
They work very well. It won a small (eight participants) shoot out last
buddy my
mine, Who's name is Matt, known as "Wizard"
around here in Michigan, (detroit area) had
one... ran a sweet 16 and a Mod V Plus into it.
I really was able to shoot the skip. of course,
we had to keep the engine revved, so the
alternator could keep up!
I know someone who runs one in an F-350 with dual alternators. That boy
has had more technical problems....,,,,nevertheless, when all is aligned
and working properly, I can think of only a few instances I could
justify that wattage,,channel 6 and the freqs where N3CVJ Dave Hall runs
his Texas Star and Dave Made. Have a super weekend.
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