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Old July 20th 04, 03:05 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

On 19 Jul 2004 21:52:47 GMT, (ROCH USMC) wrote in

Ok im going to ground the radio and the amp tonight. starting with the antenna,
what should I replace the wilson mag mount with. I went with the mag mount due
to parking in a car port. that way i could pop it off and set it in the bed of
my truck. I wont lose any sleep over dumping the wilson but what shoud I get. I
plan on upgrading every thing now but I would like to start with tha anyenna
and then move on to radio. one thing at a time $$.

If you have a roll-bar or utility rack you can weld a bracket at the
top, then use just about any type of whip with a quick-disconnect
mount. For top-mounted antennas I prefer center-loaded whips, but
others like fiberglass and they work fine, too. Or, if you really want
top-notch performance (in -both- Tx and Rx) you might try a full-sized
9' whip on the rear bumper and tie it down when not in use. I have a
9' whip mounted on the center of my roo-guard in the front and tied
back so it doesn't catch on the brush. Anywayz, the 9' whip shouldn't
cost you much more than $20-$30 for both the whip and mount. On the
places where the antenna mount contacts the metal of the vehicle, make
sure it's contacting clean, bare metal and makes a GOOD connection.
For coax, get some RG-8 or better and avoid crimp connectors. If you
have a soldering gun, learn to solder them yourself. It's ok to use up
some coax to practice soldering these connectors because the results
are worth the effort.

It looks like I wasted money
the first time around I would like to get it right this time.

Nothing was wasted. It's always good to have a backup. Keep the old
mag-mount for emergencies.

thank agan

by the way I was stationed in Miomar San Deigo and 29 palms.

Far out! I was in Stumps for C&E from late '81 to early '83!

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