On 20 Jul 2004 02:35:46 GMT, Steveo
wrote in :
Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 20 Jul 2004 02:14:37 GMT, Steveo
wrote in :
Frank Gilliland wrote:
On 20 Jul 2004 01:51:46 GMT, Steveo
wrote in :
Frank droppin' the maul with his Johnson Messenger III, a dozen or
so feet of RG-58, and 102" of stainless on the nose.
Frank's got his groove on now!
You know it! I actually caught some short skip driving home from the
mountains last week. Some kid in Minneapolis running legal on a base.
When skip is there, 2 watts is all you need!
That's all. You only need 20 hp or less to navigate too!
.....hmmmm, let's see now..... 1 HP = 746 watts..... hey, this will be
a 15kW paddle-wheeler!
hehe..you'll bring the chum up with RF..just stand-by with the net!
Ever stand behind a led shield while fishin'!?
No, but once I needed a flak jacket. Did you know that there is a
'right' way and a 'wrong' way to fish with hand grenades?
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