Help with my SWR/ set up
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August 11th 04, 04:01 AM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a
On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 10:22:23 -0400,
(Nicolai Carpathia) once again confused himself and demonstrated his
ignorance of the fundamental quoting protocol on Usenet by spewing:
On Thu, 5 Aug 2004 11:41:04 -0400,
Carpathia) wrote in :
On Wed, 4 Aug 2004 11:40:20 -0400,
Carpathia) wrote in :
(Dave*Hall) On Tue, 3 Aug 2004 12:13:44
(Nicolai Carpathia) wrote:
did write:
Modulation was not part of the original discussion...Frank tosses it out
to obfuscate his incorrect points.
Modulation IS an integral part of any amplifier
So is electricity, but it doesn't make it relevant to the original
topic. Again Frank tossed it out to obfuscate his incorrect points and
The topic pertaining to your latest whine-byte
is whether the OT's Palomar is practical for
use with his "bumped" Cobra.
Again, so is electricity but you can't seem to focus on the topic which
has nothing to do with modulation.
Besides, Incorrect as usual,,,in fact, you're on a roll of being wrong
lately, from your poor advice on a palomar to your pooor advice on a
Wilson mag mount. Once again, the modulation factor has absolutely
nothing to do with the original thread where you screwed up and made a
bunch of technical errors. You always invoke a bunch of non-related junk
(see your incompetent response to Lelnad) when you've been taught you
are wrong.
I qualified my
disapproval with an explanation of how amps
are frequently overdriven because of the
operator's lack of understanding about the
difference between carrier power and peak
The only thing you "qualified" was your bias by making untrue statements
based on nothing more than pure emotion and not facts.
You ran from the topic and invoked your own when you found yourself
surrounded by your own incompetence and then you began to menstruate all
over yourself because you still can't figure out how to quote properly
after all this time (with your fourth access to the group) and need
blame others for your self-imposed limits. See Mr. Jimmie in the
Carolinas for a quick education on flawless quoting, as blaming others
for your mild retardations and massive communication deficit and
incompetence at all you do has you beside yourself and quite frustrated.
Rock on!
It's interesting to note the point at which you
snipped my post.
Sure is,,,in fact, I did it right after you shared your inability to
follow the thread by complaining and blaming me because you're too
stupid to figure out how to quote properly after all this time with your
anonymous newsreader.
If you hadn't snipped it where you did wouldn't be able to follow any of it....I understand, Frank,
You need spoon fed and taught everything,,,,,which is why I "snipped"
your mess where I did. In fact, there would have been no "snip" at all
if you didn't start crying about your inability to operate your browser
properly. I did it for you, Frank, as you are having problems beyond
your normal comprehension, but it's fun to watch you come apart and get
mad and blame everyone else when you are unable to make your feelings
and communications effectively known to those you address.
Well, at least you didn't reply to yourself this time.
So have you been able to find gainfull employment so your mommy
doesn't have to hold down two jobs? Oh, and if that military group
really exists (that is, if it exists somewhere other than in your
imagination), try logging in and getting someone to explain to you how
enlistments work..... hmmmm, now -there's- a thought...... how about
joining the US military, Twist? Heck, you can get a job -and- learn
how to live responsibly. Of course in order to get in you'll have to
lie about your age...... and your employment history, your criminal
history, your problems with mental health, and then come up with an
excuse for being on welfare because of your "disability"...... ok,
forget I even suggested the idea. After all, you would never survive
boot camp with your lack of discipline and attitude against authority,
not to mention being physically out of shape because of your sedentary
lifestyle (I don't think that trolling Usenet and freebanding are on
the AMA's list of recommended activities for healthy living). And
since you couldn't even finish junior college, you can't qualify for
too many job openings in the civilian sector, can you? So maybe you
really -do- need to be supported by your mommy and welfare.... maybe
you really -are- disabled!!!
(Twisty cast the first stone)
"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM
have a problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and
are both too small to admit it."
"...but as usual, your best simpl isn;t good enough."
"Athis is how proper communication wroks..."
---- Twistedhed ----
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