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Old August 11th 04, 10:18 PM
Frank Gilliland
Posts: n/a

On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 10:48:09 -0400,
(Nicolai Carpathia) wrote in

What an emotional wreck you have become, Frank. You are unable to
contain yourself in any exchange with myself. Your emotions are too
strong and you have not managed how to exercise self control. The world
understands the anger you direct towards those that educate you on
matters relating to real world applications of radio, but your
insistence on remaining ignorant is your right. Lelnad even tried to
school you on what's right and you began insulting him when you finally
managed to grasp that he was right and you were wrong.

Since you have ironically chosen to defend Leland, I'll offer you the
task of explaining Leland's opinion that the inductive reactance and
effective resistance of a capacitor are 'unnecessary complications'.

You're an
emotional train wreck, Frank. Feeling threatened to the point you resort
to insult directed to all who dare ever disagree with your self-limiting
ignorance is your problem, not anyone elses. You have extremely low
self-esteem. Your radio knowledge has been shown to be fluff.

Insulting my intelligence doesn't push my buttons, Twist. The archives
are available on Google for anyone to read. If anyone is so bored as
to sample posts by both of us over the years they would quickly
realize the source of your animosity towards me. Maybe it's time you
make another appointment with your imaginary shrink. Hmmmm...., he
wouldn't be the same person that runs your imaginary military group,
would he? Or is he one (or more) of your imaginary DX contacts, like
maybe that "Emperor of a foreign country" or "American head of state
in Sri Lanka"? LOL!!!

(Twisty cast the first stone)


"...but I admitted I was wrong, Like a man! Something you and QRM
have a problem with. You guys are wrong and you both know it and
are both too small to admit it."

"...but as usual, your best simpl isn;t good enough."

"Athis is how proper communication wroks..."

---- Twistedhed ----


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