On Wed, 11 Aug 2004 16:58:36 -0700, "Chris" wrote
in CoySc.66092$sh.37930@fed1read06:
How many amps does a mobile cb radio draw? I have a Uniden Pro520xl. I
computer power supply has 12volt connections would it be enough to power the
radio? I have a DC plug adapter that is 14volt, 360 milliamps and a 13
volt, 800 milliamp. The 14 volt plug gives poor audio quality even from a
100 feet away and the 13 volt just blows the fuse. Any comments?
Few CB radios are fused for more than 3 amps (3000 milliamps) so your
power supply should be able to supply at least that much, although you
could probably get by with a 2 amp supply without much problem. The
supply should be regulated to prevent noise and/or damage to the
radio, so a wall-wart is not a good choice. A computer power supply
does have a regulated 12 volt output, but the problem here is that the
5 volt output uses a 'switching' regulator -- a type of supply that
requires a minimum load (usually about 10% of maximum) or it will burn
up -regardless- of the load on the 12 volt supply. It's also a good
idea to put capacitors across the outputs to reduce the RFI generated
by the switching power supply. Also remember that the 12 volt output
from the computer supply is a little shy of the 12.6 to 13.8 volt
requirement of the radio. In other words, after all the effort and
expense, the results are usually less than adequate. Your best bet is
to buy a power supply designed for your purpose.
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