Steveo wrote:
"Keith KC8TCQ" wrote:
"Steveo" wrote in message
"Keith KC8TCQ" wrote:
"Keith KC8TCQ" wrote in message
Hang in there.. looks like things might be tough down your way....
I might be activated to deploy there..
Drop me a line.
73 de Keith
Well I will be deployed either saturday or sunday at the latest. I'll
be driving an ERV (Emergency Response Vehicle). I will be taking my
radio gear with me.
73 de Keith
I hope they don't need you Keith...good luck otherwise.
leaving out tomorrow am at 8:30 for florida. staging in Tallahasse
Hear any updates? I just got back to the office.
I was listening to the national hurricane watch centers amateur radio
net.... sounds like Ft Meyers got hammered, and orlando was next last I
heard.... I am just now getting settled down from packing luggage, and
making all final plans and arrangements for my time away.
Know thyself. If you need
help, call the C.I.A.