"Road Warrior" wrote in message
itoldyouiamnotiamnotgeorge wrote:
No the proof is up to you the accuser, you have called me George, you
must prove I am him. Now get to work
I already proved it. I called you George, and you responded.
From: No Fear )
Subject: predator 10k site url
View: Complete Thread (17 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: rec.radio.cb
Date: 2001-10-02 16:40:48 PST
Oh thats funny a few months back you said you sold everything I guess your
just a part timer now?
I can be anyone other than george, duh you can't prove anything you
are a follower, you took steveo and companys route and went the easy
way. sucks to be you
"William Wallace" wrote in message
Frank Gilliland wrote in
11:00 AM on the East coast and Twisty hasn't posted yet. He must be in
emergency session with his imaginary shrink....LOL!
Yes and Landshark lost his iSP for forging what a shame.
George has proved he has an AOL account:
Subject: Warning - Posting to Newsgroups
From: Prodigy Abuse Department
This is a WARNING NOTICE from the SBC Internet Services (SBCIS) Policy
department, regarding abusive, offensive and/or harassing emails/postings
sent from your SBCIS account.
It has been brought to our attention that you are posting on the internet
newsgroups with a known AOL user as you're account information
Said individual has forwarded a complaint concerning these posts.
Be advised it is a violation of our Terms of Service
(http://sbc.yahoo.com/terms/)and Acceptable Use Policy
http://support.sbcglobal.net/legal/aup.shtml) to use our service to email
or post, threatening, abusive, obscene, hateful, or otherwise objectionable
If additional complaints are received concerning your SBCIS account, it will
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The SBCIS Policy Department
It may suck to be me, but you are George.
Hotel sheets, rental cars, late flights, fast food.
What's not to love about consulting?!?!?
That does suck..sometimes you're the
windshield..sometimes you're the bug.