Hey Twist!!!!
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August 17th 04, 04:48 PM
Dave Hall
Posts: n/a
On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 23:49:48 -0400,
CB IS anonymous, it's going to stay that way, get over the gastric pain
it causes you.
And that is the main reason why there are so many malcontents on
there. Even the youngest, still wet-behind-the-ears hooligan will tell
you that they tend to partake in more mischief if they have less of a
chance of being caught.
That one would seek to mete out "accountability" for posting one's
opinion in usenet illustrates a freak, dude!
Not at all. If you are attempting to pass yourself and your opinions
off in a serious discussion, with any sort of credibility, you have to
be accountable for what you say. It doesn't take any special courage
or daring to make inflammatory comments while hiding behind an
anonymous handle. Why should anyone take what a person like that says
seriously, when they don't have the character to identify themselves?
What type accountability is
it you wish to foster upon those who dare say something on usenet with
which you may disagree?
There is nothing wrong with a healthy disagreement. But when you make
unfounded character assassinations against those you disagree with and
then run and hide behind your cloak of anonymity, that's not the sign
of a mature person. Having your identity known, at least tempers the
temptation to act like a retard.
And to answer your question,,,you weren't thinking, Davie, you never
do,,,,it's what is responsible for your foot in mouth disease and
unfettered anger toward cb anonymity. You gave up your anonymity and are
****ed at those who didn't
Not at all. I stand behind what I say, and I have the credibility and
accountability to say so in a serious and mature manner. If I
misbehave like the hordes of anonymous posters on this group, it
becomes a simple matter to rectify the situation. Not so when you're
anonymous and take advantage of the many network tools to conceal your
origin. So it allows "bad" people to continue to be "bad".
,,,,,who had the smarts to follow their ISP
suggestions and all security experts and NOT post on the internet with
their real name to a group dealing with a hobby where no ones identity
is revealed.
No one has suggested anything of the sort. The only thing that they
warn is not to give out personal information such as social security
numbers and such.
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear.
Add to the fact that you can no longer partake in your old
haunts and dx on cb because someone would probably turn your azz in...if
you weren't such a jerkoff and were cool with people, you could operate
with no fear and talk dx on cb with the rest of us who enjoy it.
I never liked talking DX on CB after the first hundred or so contacts
that I made almost 30 years ago. DX is nothing more than a source of
irritation to me, as the noise level prevents comfortable local
chit-chatting. Any desire that I might have to talk long distance can
easily be taken care of LEGALLY on the ham bands, so your conjecture
is like many of your others, just plain wrong.
BTW, Who is Kim T. Hall?
Oh, and you might not believe this, but I'm glad that you survived the
storm. I don't like to see bad things happen to anyone.
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