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Old August 23rd 04, 09:56 PM
Jay in the Mojave
Posts: n/a

Hello M- Tech:

I had a old 4 pill SD1446 Messenger 3V (class Ab1) that did around 380
to 390 when whistling in it, when driven with a Motorola Radio doing
about 16 watts PEP. This was on a Bird Model 43 watt meter so the
measurement should be pretty close. It indicates the RMS value of the
peak power voltage, or Peak Envelope Power, abbreviated PEP.

I am sure with a little more drive it will do more, but your at about
the end of its power output capability with 380 to 400 watts. Any more
output and you will be close to smoking the transistors, and it won't be
any louder or get any more significant range.

I am sure the "450 Swing" is just a CB type hype term or rating.

The Messenger 3V Amp smoked off the 130 pF capacitor in the base loading
coil in my K-40 antenna, so did the Messenger 3V Amp go south.

I replaced the cheap burnt up 130 pF capacitor with a Mica Type
transmitting capacitor rated at 1000 Volts, again at 130 pF. And that
bullet proffed the K-40 Antenna.

I replaced the SD1446 Transistors with MRF 453 transistors, as I bought
a few at the TRW Swap Meet near the Los Angles Airport, for a song.

The SD1446 Transistors where rated at 80 watts out I believe, and the
MRF453 Transistors had a 60 watt output rating. I believe the MRF 453
Transistors had a higher input impedance marking the input impedance
match much closer. The amp didn't put out as much but sounded great on
both SSB and AM. About 100 watts less but sounded great, and no one
could tell the difference in signal strength.

Jay in the Mojave

M-Tech wrote:

sd-1446's. Appears to be in like new condition. I think it's of old
manufacture, due to the quality of the work and size of the heatsink. It
also has a fan on a temp switch(clik-on type). Brand is apache...says' "450

Sounds like too much from a 4 pill 1446.

