Thread: Hey Twist!!!!
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Old August 25th 04, 08:01 PM
Posts: n/a

Frank Gilliland wrote:
Nobody is suggesting that laws should be

blindly followed,

Sure they did. Following a law merely because it exists is "blindly

but you have claimed that that laws should be

openly violated

You're lying, Frank. Nowhere have I ever stated laws should be open
violated. How come every time you disagree with someone, you have to lie
about them? I mean, we already know you had a forced extraction in which
you admit to lying all the time in this group, but you really ought
examine what compels such behavior. You have issues, Frank.

-because- you question their integrity. That's

not the way it works, Twist. Try reading the

First Amendment.

Put down the whiskey, Frank, and get back on the wagon. When you share
with this group that you quit drinking because of the problems it
brought you, then subsequently post to this group and alert us you fell
off the wagon again, your lies and posts are recognized for what they
a manifestations of your personal demons and you dealing with them
the only manner in which you know.
The First Amendment was ratified in 1791 as part of the Bill of Rights
prohibiting Congress from interfering with the freedom of religion,
speech, assembly, or petition. That you find a relation to selectively
violating dx law is testament to the damage you undoubtedly are aware
alcohol has had upon yourself, in addition to the "problems" you have
acknowledged creating (via alcohol).