September 1st 04, 04:22 AM
"I Am Not George" wrote in message
Since 1976 we've been leeching off CBers with books, plans, and kits
for CB radio. Do-it-yourself repairs and modifications, amplifiers, FM
converters, bleedover filters, adding new frequencies, etc. are
illegal for CB according to the FCC but I, Lou Franklin, don't care! I
will teach you how to sleaze and weasel your way out of it with
semantics like "it's for 10-Meter Ham conversion" and "information is
legal". Now if I am teaching you how to be dishonest, how can you
trust me, Lou Franklin, to give you honest secrets of how to increase
your power, range, and privacy - even though its illegal? The answer
is you cant ha ha ha! Please visit our Web site, where you can
download our unique catalog of CB Radio Specialties and get
encouragement to break FCC law, or check out our most popular 'we dont
care about legalities' schematics (TriPower RF linear amp, Dynamic
Speech Processor, FM3 circuit, RogerBeep, etc.) and other CB technical
articles at:
SAVE MONEY sort of! We regularly spam the CB newsgroups in order to
suck cash from bullible CBers. I also run EBAY auctions in which you
can save up to HALF the cost of my 300 percent markup CB books and
accessories. To see what's currently on sale, double-click the line
Geo, some things on the site are legit, unlike you.