Thread: Hey Twist!!!!
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Old September 3rd 04, 03:45 AM
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From: (Frank=A0Gilliland)
On Thu, 26 Aug 2004 11:57:32 -0400,
wrote in :
From: Frank Gilliland
You flew right past it, Twist....."or petition". The
First Amendment give you the right "to petition
the Government for a redress of grievances",

Only I have none of these "grievances" you speak of.

Don't hand me that line, Twist -- you have

been whining about something or other ever

since you started posting, Twist. Lately it has

been Bush's illegal regime,

Over half the country is "whining about Bush's illegal regime".
Singularly blaming me for your problems, as usual, is not the answer.

before that it was Leland's threats, before that

it was the virtues of illegal operation, etc, etc.

You are nothing but a legal whine-bot,

That's pretty funny. You toss all kinds of fecal matter Frank, but as
always, you continue to miss your mark. Try and remain semi-believable.
Claiming I complain about "virtues of illegal operation" serves up your
alcholism quite nicely. Now, try and get over dwelling on what Twisted
does and thinks concerning Bush and everything else and you may begin a
road to recovery and self-healing.

and a

hypocritical one at that since you complain

about the alleged transgressions of others

while boasting about your own lawless


Because you have neither the communication skill nor interpretive skill
to distinguish that the mere mention and posting on a cb usenet group of
freebanding and dx does not constitute "boasting". Find a sponsor,
Frank. You worry about things of which you are impotent. Perhaps it is
why you are so hostile and angry all the time.

which means you have a legal and direct

course of action to try and change any law you
think is unfair.

It's a non-issue with myself. It's so mundane, a law that is never
enforced isn't worth the bother you suggest.

That is a right which goes above and beyond

all the other rights that you are guaranteed to

insure that the government remains a


We are not a democracy, we are a republic.

Call it whatever you want,

I called it what it is. *You* called it whatever you wanted.

but the fact remains that the people are in

control of the government

I am glad you are recalling basic grammar school civics, Frank.

(at least, they

-would- be in control if they weren't so


But if the petition is denied, you -don't- have

the right to ignore that law. And you -don't-

have the right to selectively ignore any law just
because you are a spoiled little child and are

too lazy to follow the legal procedure for


I have the "right" to do anything I choose and if those who enforce the
law feel my acts are infringing on others or breaking the law, the law
has the right to make me accountable. If experiencing pain over cbers
talking dx is all you have to entertain and concern

Oh yeah, I forgot you get your legal advice

from the school of natural law,

You forgot? Well then, it should be of no consequence and incredibly
easy for you to tell the masses where you managed to recall this tidbit
from, if any place other than your own conjured delusions.

where where 'civilization' is a conspiracy of the
weak to opress those who would otherwise

exercise their natural 'right' to rob them blind.

Wow, Frank,,watching that type rant and rave one would make the guess
you were humdinging on whiskey. too bad you aren't a happy drunk. You
folks who get mean when you drink are assh*les.

So shouldn't you be busy thumbing your way

to NY with your other anarchist buddies to

crash a political convention? Or did you

manage to save enough money to take the


I'm not the one that posted to the group I was having financial problems
and couldn't afford bus or air fare..*you* did.

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