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  #19   Report Post  
Old September 3rd 04, 04:12 AM
Posts: n/a

(Twistedhed) wrote:
(Twistedhed) wrote:
Terror against Americans is on the rise, and it is the fault of GW Bush.

Blasphemy! You should be ashamed of

yourself for posting such nonsense.

That's right,,all those cowardly terrorists who videotape the American
beheadings, who read their carefully written letter outloud to the media
and BUSH and mention BUSH by name, are actually directing their
pre-written speeches and anger to Kerry. (sarcasm mode off)
Sorry dude, but is more unsafe now for Americans to travel abroad than
any time before and for this (among his foreign relation and
statesmanship abilitites as relating to the mideast), Bush must shoulder
much of the blame.

Newsflash, Twist. They hate us because of our alliance with Israel, and
that pre-dates GWB by decades.

Now they hate getting their ass kicked too, Ronnie and both Georges
can shoulder the credit for that.

They crushed Russia and gave their people a voice fer criszz sake. Do
you really think Kerry will be better at dealing with tyrants?
