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Old September 3rd 04, 01:05 PM
Dave Hall
Posts: n/a

On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 15:39:34 -0400, (Twistedhed)

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 10:49:48 -0400,
Since 1976 we've been leeching off CBers with books, plans, and kits for
CB radio. Do-it-yourself repairs and modifications, amplifiers, FM
converters, bleedover filters, adding new frequencies, etc. are illegal
for CB according to the FCC but I, Lou Franklin, don't care! I will
teach you how to sleaze and weasel your way out of it with semantics
like "it's for 10-Meter Ham conversion" and "information is legal". Now
if I am teaching you how to be dishonest, how can you trust me, Lou
Franklin, to give you honest secrets of how to increase your power,
range, and privacy - even though its illegal? The answer is you cant ha
ha ha! Please visit our Web site, where you can download our unique
catalog of CB Radio Specialties and get encouragement to break FCC law,
or check out our most popular 'we dont care about legalities' schematics
(TriPower RF linear amp, Dynamic Speech Processor, FM3 circuit,
RogerBeep, etc.) and other CB technical articles at:
SAVE MONEY sort of! We regularly spam the CB newsgroups in order to suck
cash from bullible CBers. I also run EBAY auctions in which you can save
up to HALF the cost of my 300 percent markup CB books and accessories.
To see what's currently on sale, double-click the line below:
**You are in way over your head. You're lucky Lou is such a nice
guy. What you did clearly indicates an intentional and malicious act by
yourself to defame and malign his business and livelihood. In addition,
you violated the Digital Electronic Signature Act as defined and placed
into law by Congress because you attached his personal and proper name
to your fraudulent post in a manner to give the impression it was he who
wrote it concerning the business. If I were Lou, I would give you the
option to settle out of time. Then I would contact my
attorney and post his name on this group for additional contributions of
your behavior by others whose personal lives you have attempted to
malign. You could be in a heap of trouble boy, for sure.
It's a shame the poster was basically anonymous, so it would be very
difficult to ascertain just who actually posted it......
Hello Dave, I thought you were going to reply to our last exhange of
posts prior to begining another, so I will refresh the pertinent
parameters of where we left off concerning your "spreading around
personal information" and "calling my bluff" on your trip to Mickey

Been busy. With the republican convention and such in the area, there
were more pressing issues than newsgroup stuff.

The poster was by no means anonymous. To the uninitiated (concerning
knowledge of anonymity relating to the internet) he may appear
pseudo-anonymous on usenet, however, this specific person is not.

And you know this how?

you display you haven't bothered to read user agreements (I addressed
this once before with you) concerning one's anonymity and privacy.

I don't care what "user agreements" may say. There are ways to get
onto the internet and onto free news servers which do not require
identifying oneself. My very first internet connection was through a
school account which a whole lot of people "shared". How does anyone
identify an anonymous person who uses such unregulated access points?

Go read google user agreement. Many networks don't bother to demand a
subpoena and cooperate fully with law enforcement, especially when their
user is abusing their network. Again, please read the terms of service
regarding all aspects of your internet endeavors and please ask Phil
Kane (or someone qualified that you trust) for a correct information on
radio law and everything relating to the law of which you have been so
incorrect, or you can merrily continue to make the same repeat mistakes
that have become associated with your posts.

That's all well and good IF these ISP's know who the person is. Again,
I know of many ways to gain access to the internet without having to
reveal your true identity. Cable modems can be hacked, many places
offer WiFi open network access, many libraries, schools and even the
local Starbucks and Burger Kings offer public internet access. How do
you trace an anonymous user who uses these public portals to access
the internet?
