"Chad Wahls" wrote:
"Steveo" wrote in message
"Chad Wahls" wrote:
"Steveo" wrote in message
"M-Tech" wrote:
Man, the last 2 nights I've been hitting some GREAT conditions
coming home on the interstate. Alabama, Kentucky, Indiana,
Michigan, etc etc. QSO's are short, but strong.
Tonight, I was talking to a guy in Alabama that said he had to
slide off freq about 30kc's to tune me in? I had to do the same
for him. He said he doubted his radio was off freq since it's a
"Tram something or another ssb rig". I said I just have a lowly
2510 and a wilson 1000. Anyway, he was the ONLY guy I had to crank
the rit an abnormal amount for. Only "complaint" I've had,
although the radio is only 2 months old(since I got it)I guess
maybe I should take it in for a check up.
37, 38 lsb, usb :-) Unit 313 Pa Mobile
Hi Don. I tried it around 2 this afternoon up here in Ohio but it
was just barely rolling. Talked to some dude in Florida who was
nailing down stuff for the storm. Man I hope it's not gonna be a
nasty hurricane season for the coastal folk.
I sandblasted my headers and baked a ceramic coating on them today,
very productive. 
Tuesday night was good driving home at about 4PM CDT, I still have a
****ty rig though 
As for baking the headers, what process are you using Steveo? It's
time to get my Mopar back on the strip and this winter is rebuild time
as soon as I get another daily driver.
After I sand blasted them..
I did my own thing with the ceramic coating. I made a lean too around
my tow motor's forks and cooked them with my 190k btu torpedo heater
and about 4 gallons of kerosene. I put an oven thermometer in there
and ran them up to 300 degrees for two hours.
You can get away with using the engine exhaust to bake them if you
do it slowly. ie - run the motor for 3 minutes, shut it off and repeat.
I can't do that since I'll be under break-in condition when I fire
up the new 440. I'll have to run it for at least 20 minutes, and
that would likely burn the header coating off if it wasn't pre-baked.
I pondered buying new ceramic coated headers, but the port job
on the heads ate up my money too fast. 
What Mopar do you have?
Nothing old and cool like I expect yours is.
A 95 dodge Dakota sold as a 96 from Mopar performance. It's got a 318
with the Magnum RT mods all through, computer, bumpstick, roller
everything, tri_Y headers, 5 speed, 3.90 locker, yadada, yadada.
I have modified the computer to allow me to make adjustments, tuned the
suspension so it's not a burn out machine. put on a supercharger. updated
the injectors and fuel pump. replaced the clutch with a centerforce gold,
and driven the hell out of it.
It's now got 120K miles on it and has never failed to get me where I need
to go in a very timely manner. All I've replaced out of necessity is the
clutch and fuel pump (good op for upgrades). It was running low 12's in
the quarter with street tires. I never took it out this year to the
strip as this summer has been quite hectic
It's a fun little truck,
it's plane jane bright red, no fancy stickers that may suggest anything
and has a single side exit 3" exaust (a must with the tri-Y's) pretty
quiet but has a VERY unique tone. You would never know it will launch
like a rocket at a stoplight, you get a fartpipe car next to you and it's
hilarious to show them American torque out of a relitavely quiet plain
pickup truck.
HOPEFULLY this winter I need to get some body work done from where I got
rear ended by a light pole, and go through the engine. I know it's time
for new valve springs and lifters. Compression seems OK on the cylinders
but it probably wouldn't hurt to do a full rebuild, I may go a little
crazy on the rebuild as I plan on getting a different daily driver, yall
are going to shoot me but I think it's time for a VW as I have moved 20
miles away from work and them little buggers scream. I just cant get any
'ol import because I don't want every kid with a fart pipe dicking with
me, haven't found anything American that turns me on for value and
Whatcha got cookin Steveo? (other than headers). What are you building
and when do you expect completion? Hopefully you don't live in the
midwest or nort because it sounds like you will get it done just in time
for winter 
Sounds like a strong running truck, Chad.
I'm rebuilding the 440 in my 66 Pymouth Belvedere II since I
blew it up a couple months ago. It should produce something
in the range of 450-500 hp.
Here's a pic of it with my friend Mike.
I'm hoping to have it running again by the end of the month,
and yes I live in northern Ohio so weather plays a factor.
I only put around 2000 miles per year on it anyway.