On Sun, 05 Sep 2004 01:17:14 -0500, itoldyouiamnotiamnotgeorge
Smooth G wrote in
So now we are chimped bubba instead of icecold???
Man it is hard to keep up with all the hero worship around here but it
sure is fun. Wait who is vanderfool? Another AKC???
Yes that was always you're favorite word when you were Chimped Bubba,you
have this akc and cocksucking fetish that is very becoming of you Brian
From: Chim Bubba )
Chim Bubba wrote in message news:
More amps sold today and guess what in the real world not your sick
homosexual fantasy world. You see in the real world Anti Girls do not
exist but since they already know this and are so hurt by not being
noticed in the real world, they spend almost all of their waking hours
on this thing called the newsgroups typing away their little cum
soaked sweaty hands and fantasizing about homosexual acts and wanting
attention and needing attention and so so lonely. Meanwhil in the real
world guess what???
Hey anti girl or girls...
Dont do any more google searches dont do any more ranting and raving
dont do any more homo talk...
Just step out into the sunshine and see THE REAL WORLD!
You might like what you see but, if you dont you can always go back to
that smelly room that is dark and dingy and wack off most of the day
to your gay love dreams, another part of the day dreaming that you are
doing anything positive at all for your so-called cause on this little
newsgroup and last but not least watching those gay porn sites and
videos in the privacy of your mother's basement where you EAT, SLEEP
and DREAM!
Must be!
Like I always say this newsgroup **** is for those cocksuckers. In the
real world things keep on a movin.