Thread: DX Conditions
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Old September 8th 04, 01:46 AM
Posts: n/a

"Dr.X" wrote in message
"Twistedhed" wrote in message
I guess I missed ya Twist. I caught Eagle One out of Arizona (who
promptly told me I was off freq and heard Triple 7 (local op) talkin'
to LA with no problem. I usually get north/south skip, so I consider
east/west as unusual and attribute it to the weather. I expect it to
stay this way for a little while. At least while Francis is in town.
Maybe I better get that radio on frequency before we lose the conditions
and have to wait for the next hurricane.
Hope you're ok down there.....38 low tonight..I'll have it on.

Doin' ok. I see from other threads that you made it as well. Good! I

think a little storm with a girly name like Frances could keep a good man
down. :-P


Oops. Forgot to say, yeah, I'll try 38L tonight. My bud Bill and I will be
putting his antenna back up. Don't know how long it will take since we don't
know what hardware we have available to us. We may need to make a Home Depot
run. But we'll definately want to test his "skip button" on 38L.
