"Dr.X" wrote in message
"Jerry" wrote in message
This comes from www.copper.com "forums". Apparently, there is a
for the chicken band on the air. The link at the very top has pictures,
circuitry and everything! Is this not against the law?
I've made 11 meter repeaters before. If you stay low keyed, you can get
with it for a very long time. Personally I think it's much better than
running a bunch of heat to get out and you're not splattering the crap out
of your neighbors if you're accessing it from your home. Worked great with
HH too but I had to make the encoder inside a large mobile mic since I
couldn't fit it into the radio shack hh at the time.
Do you also drive at 100 MPH because it's illegal to do so and you've done
it before? People who always break the rules are partially responsible for
yet more being imposed. Rules are made for a reason. And no, it isn't to be