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Old September 12th 04, 02:43 AM
Posts: n/a

hehehe... wrote:

Hang in there keith...

from Chuck K8CPA

On 11 Sep 2004 12:13:39 -0700, (Keith Hosman
KC8TCQ) wrote:

Well I am still in Florida heheh, but they keep moving me around,
after working at HQ for a few days running night shift comms, they
moved me to run another kitchen this time in Punta Gorda, but noiw am
back at the HQ in Sarasota. At least I am getting a somewhat decent
tan heheh.

73 de Keith
p.s. my email access is somewhat iffy, the ARC network firewall has my
isp and all web mail sites blocked, so only way I can check email is
if hotel has public access machines, or if the hotels have webtv in
their rooms (sorry twist no offence but I find webtv to be a downright
pain in the a$$ hehehe)

hoping you disappeared charles...