Well, if you have a toolbox across the back of the bed the BEST antenna IMHO
for that application would be the largest center-loaded antenna you can get.
Something like the wilson trucker 2000. The idea is to get the load and as
much of the top of the antenna ABOVE the cab as possible. You can easily
mount to the box with a non-magnetic mount...just run a ground strap from
your bed to the tool box to make sure it's grounded. Don't mount it too
close to the back of the cab or it will slap the glass when it contacts
something overhead. A small rubber ball placed below the center load can
stop that.
I'm also assuming the tool box is metal..... :-). Otherwise, the next best
place is right against the drivers side hinge/cowling area of the hood.
Again, this is just my humble opinion.
Good luck!!
"ROCH USMC" wrote in message
I received a lot of help the last time I
for advice on this newsgroup, so I thought I would hit you up for some
Someone has stolen my antenna. I had a Wilson 5000 mag
I don't wont to replace it with another mag mount.
let me tell you what I have. I have a Cobra 29 LTD and a Palomar Elite 300
( I have already took some hits for what I have but for now that's what I
IM hoping to upgrade the first of the year.)This is in a 1999 chevy pick
up. I
do have a place to mount an antenna on the tool box or the light bar
around the
back of the cab. I was Looking at the Wilson 5000 and the 1000 trucker
with the K-40 trucker. The setup I had before worked real good for what
it was
but now that I have to replace the antenna and I would like get the best
one I
can. I might be moving up to a Ranger or a Galaxy the first of the year so
ever I get I would like it to work with a new radio. Any input or coments
be great. I have a blank check from the shop where it was at when it was
and i would like to get a new one this weekend.
Thanks Roch
thanks Roch