Thread: Good reading:
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Old September 16th 04, 05:55 PM
Jay in the Mojave
Posts: n/a

Bert Craig wrote:

Great info Jay, thanks a bunch. How're things going with your endeavors?
Hope the I-10K is selling well. ;-)

Hello Bert:

Glad you liked the web sites there, I got a few e-mails from guys who
liked the web sites also.

Yes things are going well. I have a few commercial customers that are
getting intrestered, and a small order for over seas that I am filling now.

I also have a Crusader 10K Beam Antenna in the works its a 5 element
yagi. And have modified it to be a 7 element yagi beam antenna with a 36
foot Boom. And I may even make a 8 element beam on a 62 foot Boom.

Here's a web site that has a few photos of the "Super Crusader Seven"

The lower boom is a support boom that significantly increases the Booms
strength. The Crusader Beam Antennas use a split and insulated driven
element, using a Hairpin Matching System, and are feed thru a current
1:1 Balun, to reduce line radiation, and reduce interference. Its pretty
amazing how well these lager beam work. We can talk to the San Fernando
Valley, most all of Los Angles, and the outer areas. Not bad having to
go over a couple of mountain ranges.

Hope you are well, and everything in life is well.

Jay in the Mojave