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Old August 10th 03, 09:10 PM
J. McLaughlin
Posts: n/a

Dear Ed:
On my farm, varmints are shot on sight. There is no component of
hunting or enjoyment or torture. It is a matter of stopping theft and
the real danger that their holes present to livestock, humans, and even
farm machinery. (I have a nasty scar on my shin due to a plunge into a
woodchuck hole.) They also pose a danger to drainage systems.
I have never shot at a squirrel. They are very rare here and just
not a problem. Woodchucks and deer are the major problems. Deer cause
hundreds of accidents, some quite serious, per year in this county
Someone who took delight in torturing anything would be a pariah in
this most rural and tolerant township. That is just not on.
..... and back to antennas
73 Mac N8TT

J. Mc Laughlin - Michigan USA

"Ed Senior"

But as for the folks who say they like to kill or
torture animals just for enjoyment, I hope they
are merely trying to be funny--in a bad taste way.

If they are serious, my revised hope is that they get
to meet some of their victims again--accompanied
by much larger friends from the animal kingdom--
at some point in the afterlife.