Good reading:
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September 20th 04, 07:19 PM
Posts: n/a
(Twistedhed) wrote:
(Twistedhed) wrote:
Kerry voted for that, before he voted against it.
I remember was before Bush was against a 911 commission
investigating, then for it. I also think it was before Bush claimed he
was for states making their own laws concerning the queer marriages,
then positioned himself against it by making it a federal issue. g
Fags don't deserve to be married.
Bush apparently struggled with this issue before flip-flopping. FWIW, I
agree that same-sex should not be married. Call it a union, call it a
joint companionship, call it what you may,,,but to call it "marriage"
implies it is blessed by God.
BTW, my grass was knee high in a little over a week from all the
Hey at least your grass didn't get blown away! Glad to hear you dodge
a bullet again!
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