Where's Steveo?
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September 25th 04, 03:55 PM
Posts: n/a
(Psychiatrist to keyclowns) wrote in
Steveo mewled like the sissy, frustrated, AKC programmed boy he is:
He's wearing out a path to the windows and doors from jumping
he hears a noise outside his section 8 slum and his Stark alley
His shrink answers sparklingly:
No, frustration ball...your threats bother no one. What you gonna do?
Come on sissy...TELL US! LOL! Make some threats again sissyboy. I
still say we should have the Keyclown MEGA-LIMPWRIST COMPETITION on
pay per view....You and Chukkee make a great couple.
The only path that's getting wore out over this stuff is you wearing
out a path in your carpet while pacing up and down to try to think of
a way to end dissent by the AKC against keyclownism. You can't do it.
It is impossible. Steel does not become gold now matter how hard you
wish. We of the AKC do thank you for expressing your frustration in so
entertaining of a mannner, however.
Must be hard to be so stupid, mouthy and powerless at the same time.
What a sucky deal for you, ay? Of course we all know that sucky deals
are the norm with you...everytime you stop by the Petro.
Obviously, your (Court ordered) Psychiatrist isn't aware that your
current regimin of psych meds, are causing some really bizarre side
effects. I wonder what your (Court ordered) Psychiatrist would say
if He/She were to read some of your latest (posted) usenet lunacy?
...more predictable dogie dribble coming forth'with.... LOL!
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