On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 23:04:55 -0400, "Dr.X" wrote
in :
"gw" opened his big, fat ****ing mouth and said:
George, (and i like your name by the way), i have to ask you. is this
a cb newsgroup or not, that is my question???? Are we entitled to talk
about illegal modifications to ham radios on this newsgroup???? hell
no we aren't and you know this.
big ****ing snip
That's as far as I got before I thought, "who the **** are you to tell
any-god-damned-body what they are entitled to talk about?" . Have you ever
heard of freedom of speech? It's just a topic. It's not illegal to talk
about illegal activities. Show me a law in the US that says no one may talk
about modifications to radio equipment. Introduce me to a law enforcement
officer that's willing to charge me for talking about it. Call the FCC and
tell them I'm breaking the law right now by talking about illegal
modifications to radios. I'm willing to bet they'll laugh in your face and
tell you to get a life. Then they'll tell you to go back to Afghanistan with
the rest of the Taliban. Here, go to this site and find some of your old
friends : http://www.talibanreunited.com/
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