Some one out there knows where to buy the Palomar (look alike that are being
sold all over the US) and the Texas Star linears. Would anyone be willing to
share the information with me. I need to get a contact so I can purchase
direct. I have a web site and sell them, but need to skip the middle man so
I can lower my prices to the customer. So far I have had no luck with
getting a contact and have to go through others - which leaves me no choice
but to keep the prices up higher. I buy and import the line of linears from
Italy and can give a great price on them. So if anyone has the information I
would sincerly be greatful. You can email me at
or email me
through our website at Also a plug for our BRAND
NEW SITE, if anyone is looking for any equipment of any kind feel free to
email us and we can get you a price that will probably make you very happy.
Thanks and hope this works for all of us. Dan
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