"U Know Who"
This is some hilarious reading material. Even the "AKC" disowned the
fruitcake we know as N8WWM, Doug Adair. Doug did not start the
AKC, but was allowed in for a while until he lost it and reverted to
his insane rants.
The AKC was started by W5NET, Dwight Stewart, AKA Aaron
Voobner, who more or less had some integrity to his posts.
He ruled it, and decided whom to allow
in. Then, in later times, after it was discovered who Aaron was,
he left it. From that time on, there were a few wannabe's, including
insane "George",who attempted to impersonate Aaron for a while,
until politely asked to stop. Dwight no longer posts in ham radio
newsgroups. I'm sure people like
Doug and "George" have left a bad taste in his mouth. At any rate,
Google links posted below are proof that Doug is indeed insane,
and does not speak for anyone but himself.
ok assblock, lets look at the headers on those posts...
From: (Aaron H. Voobner)
Newsgroups: rec.radio.cb
Subject: Big Boomer 1000 Plus Amp
Date: 23 Sep 2003 09:58:04 -0700
Organization: http://groups.google.com/
Lines: 20 Message-ID:
References: NNTP-Posting-Host:
Mail.cancerrx.com ( is located in Plano, Texas, United
hmm plano texas..now lets see where dwight was located
W5NET ** **
not anywhere near texas, therefore all those posts were fake. good try
tho LOL