Thread: moped = stoopid
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Old October 3rd 04, 12:48 AM
Posts: n/a

itoldyouiamnotiamnotgeorge wrote
in :

BP wrote in news:10ltmlbdf9lk263

Non Sequitur! Your facts are highly questionable. And you still
have *not* provided any support for your unfounded accusations.
You know damned well that I'm NOT Steve, ..just admit it, chump.

I guess I am supposed to say you are twisty now right.

My proof is every bit as strong as you thinking I am george...
roflma now that is a hoot. Steve Parks what do you say about

It's not a matter of WHO YOU really are?

Oh ist sure is you and your ilk would fall about yourself posting
forges of wa3moj if you didn't believe your own lies.

Right out of the AKC playbook.. snip, edit, obfuscate, change
the context, project, fabricate, deceive, make **** up out of
whole cloth, typical everyday, AKC rules of engagement, etc.

Soooooo laughably predictable, as usual.. YAWN