Question For Dwight..or who ever is in contact with dwight
Steveo wrote in message ...
(I Am Not George) wrote:
so mopedaope, you have been harassing dwight stewart
because you believe he is voob? just when I think you
cant get any more reach new heights of
Nope, as a matter of fact I had to set a filter to stop Dwight
harassing me via email, you silly little twerp.
so you have proof it was him or you just ASSuming? that doesnt
like dwight. he wouldnt harass anyone via email.
It was him.
Dwight , this fella says he is certain you are Voob and you were
harassing him via email. He probably will not produce the emails in
question, that is how these guys operate, accuse and then obfuscate.
He's not an anonymous pussy like you.
steveo.....whats your real name and home address?