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Old October 4th 04, 10:35 PM
Posts: n/a
Default A Mod tip I received in email ( Newbie )

I was emailing folks before I found this board about some
modifications and here is what i have gotten back so far. Keep in mind
that I adjusted the VR2 back to the way it was, but now that I have
received another email I'm wondering If I should try again. Exactly
what is this guy helping me do, and what effects will I see If I do
try again.

The email I sent out to him was::

I found your email in the forums, and have a few questions. I just
purchased a Cobra 19 DX III and was wondering if you know of any
specific Mods that I could do to make it get out there a little more.

His reply:

All you have to do on the dxiii is turn up the modulation pot. Open
speaker side cover and look for VR 2, this will be a chrome/silver
looking adjustable labeled on the board. Adjust it all the way left,
key your mike and say "auuudio" while looking at your LED bars on the
radio. If the LED bars don't increase as you say audio, turn the vr
all the way right. That's it.

I emailed him back with this;

The ones that were chrome plated were labeled like L10, L11
etc......I'm listening through a friends handheld. Should I be hearing
any excruciating feedback, because I'm not? I'm so tempted to turn
some of these other things just to see what they do, but I am sure
that would be a No-No because I dont want my radio screwed up. It just
hard for me to tell which way is good (right or left) since my bars
already hit the red when I speak.

He replied with this:

I can't remember which one it was, but adjust one of the other VRs
about 1/4 left or right to see which one adjusts the meter WHILE KEYED
UP. When you find it, adjust so while your keyed the meter reads
about half. THEN go back to vr2 and you should see the diff adjusting
the modulation.