Hello Stevo:
Oh Yeah when and where????
Rock n Roll Fan
Country & Western Fan, also
Member of Mojave Desert Radio Club M.D.R.C. (Paid member, $8.50 cash or
solder on PL-259 connectors for the guys)
Mojave Desert Off Road Association, MDORA (Guest) run over many
endangered species, and BBQ!
This weekend only end Big BBQ and Dance Party at 44's place. About 2 1/2
Hrs out of LA. Oldie but Goodie Rock & Folk Band playing, Be there
Call in on 435.............BRING BEER, your own ammo, and Propane if
your gonna be in the Flame Throwing contest, red or white meat, red or
white wine, hot dogs hamburgers, Buns Salads, and all the fixins
!!!!!..... Da's riiiiight!
Bloody Mary's and Breakfast served at 9 AM.
Steveo wrote:
Hello again, Jay. One can usually count on you to come up with
the goods, my friend. Hope all is well with you.
ps. any interest in attending the rrcb bonanza?