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Old October 9th 04, 07:22 AM
Posts: n/a

The 29 has a better receiver in it than the 25 does, though both
radios are single conversion.

To be honest, if you're looking at Cobra's, save yourself some money
and look at the Uniden PC68 and the PC78. The '68 is the same radio as
the '25 an the '78 is the same as the 29. Uniden used to make all of
Cobra's boards, so the radios ended up with similar, if not exactly
the same, schematics.

I'd go with the 29/78 myself, if I was looking for an AM only rig.


Alex wrote:

what are the pros and cons of each one? Does anyone personally like
one better than the other, and why? Which would you recommend? Thanks
so much. I've decided to exchange my Cobra 19 dx III for one of these.
Just waiting to hear some feedback on each one.