"Mopeadopeizcrazy" wrote in message alkaboutradio.com...
You know Doug, I haven't operated illegally for years, but you and Geo
make me want to **** on your parade. Matter of fact, I haven't
transmitted on
11 meters for over a year. You don't even know if any one here has
Why would it bother you as a no-code tech if they have?
First of all, there is no "George" in this newsgroup, assclown. That was a
Landshark ASSUMPTION made with no proof whatsoever, and probably influenced
by too much GAY FANTASY or semen swallowing. Second, the AKC is a huge
organization and Doug does not even post here anymore, you know he hasn't
posted here for years. Yet keyclowns remain afraid and whining. Why?
Because they know they are POWERLESS to stop the AKC, as shown by
Mopeadope's feminine mewling and fruitless trips to Toledo.
Don't even indulge the queens. None of 'em can do anything, so why
bother explaining? Let the keykweenz spew.