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Old April 22nd 04, 09:17 PM
Richard Harrison
Posts: n/a

Robert Kole wrote:
"Put another way, should the overall length of the antenna be 102 feet
or 102 ft. 3.33 in.?"

As Cecil noted, 3.33 in. is inconsequential in comparison with 102 ft.
Your antenna has bandwidth, and 3.33in. is only 0.3% of its length.
Given a tuner, the antenna system can be brought to resonance to remove
a reactive impediment to antenna current and radiated power.

A resonant dipole system is 1/2 wavelength or some multiple thereof. It
is a multiple of 180-degrees, tip to tip, and this includes loads, gaps,
coils, capacitors, and everything electrically making up the length. See
Chapter-8 "Dipole Antennas" in ON4UN`s "Low-Band DXing". Note that the
tip to tip dimension includes the feedline spacing in all illustrations.

Bob, K5QWG referred to Cebik`s analysis of the G5RV, a 102-ft. version
which is (3) 1/2-waves at 14.15 MHz. Note that Cebik also shows a
107-ft. version from the ARRL. Cebik notes that wire size and elevation
are more important than wire length when you are using a tuner.

Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI