"DR. Death" wrote in message ...
"Psychiatrist to keyclowns" wrote in message
"DR. Death" whined like a girl in
message ...
"leavetwistyleave" wrote in message
I joined this ng because it said cb. all i have read is about
and illegal that. Its only illegal if or when u are caught. If hams
to join in, why dont they help the so called uneducated, gain the
confidence to apply for a licence. But no all I read is a bunch of
boring so called know alls bleat on about how crap cb radio is.(CB -
Citizens Band) Get it! If you profess to know all, how can you
Nuff said all 108YQ01 - Jason - Professional 11m Pirate.....
Sorry Mr. Professional Butt Pirate, there is no way the AKC will allow
rec.radio.cb to become Al Jazeera for illegal CB keyclowns, no matter
how much you guys whine about it.
When you snitch me out for amps and freebanding, you could also tell
that my trucks 2 inches over the bumper law and doesn't have a cat.
cuzz I wanted 3 inch strait pipes.
OK will do. Anything else we should report about you? Again we see the
keyclown mind at work, trying to minimize culpability by attempting to
deride the AKC. Never happen, keyclown, never happen.
Your WRONG again.
I'm not minimizing anything. I know it is illegal. I choose to ignore the
law of my own accord and accept any responsibility for my actions. As far as
deriding the AKC, you do that every time you post. Instead of posting as a
psychiatrist, maybe you should see one.
Instead of posting as a limp wristed NJ transplant you should post as
you really are, a limpwristed NJ transplant. Have fun, butt pirate.