looking for a pll board for a kenwood ts440s
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October 14th 04, 05:10 AM
I Am Not George
Posts: n/a
"I Am Not George" wrote in message
"Pat Stevens"
I think they have pointed out in the past that this is a
who likes to casually throw out other people's callsigns,
to show that he should be working with amateur radio, when he
They are getting upset, because he has posted this similar
message about 5 different ways, within the last week.
C'est la vie.
stand by for a freebander defense from twisty or his sock
Not so much the 'freebander' bit, but that he is known for causing
trouble among ALL operators (including freebanders), and operates
on amateur bands unlicensed, and throws out other peoples
names and callsigns to try and justify the info he is seeking, and
has caused numerous people on air, on various frequencies,
lots of grief and trouble.....
If he was 'only a freebander' - i.e. if his only 'crime' was
operating on
the out-of-band CB channels, then much of this would not have
happened - but I think we all know and accept that you don't need
a high power all mode full access amateur HF transceiver just
to talk on the out-of-band channels!!!!!
From the Amateur point of view - unless someone is licensed
or is currently studying to get their licence, do we really want
them having access to such equipment?
Here in we have several freebanders who tell other Cbers
how wonderful the unlicensed use of amateur equipment is, of course
they are posting anonymously, one of them
Collins gear, another one
uses Ten Tec, they say
they use them above 28 and below 26 mhz which is not in a ham band but
is goverment use, of course they dont care. One of them
has admitted he uses a kenwood on ham bands with no
license, in fact if a newbie asks in which is the best CB
rig many of the freebanders will urge him to get a ham rig and operate
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