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  #22   Report Post  
Old October 18th 04, 08:31 PM
Posts: n/a

I will be keeping this in mind.

Just a question. would you be willing to testify in a court of law that
you did, in fact receive these threats? If not, not much I can use. if
so, I will be in contact. this e-mail address is valid, so, drop me a
line with a valid telephone contact number. I also just got off the
phone, with a friend of mine, at the Detroit office of the FBI. This
person told me, if i could produce the evidence that this person did
threaten me. they would get the court order to see who this person is,
from buckeye cable. then go pay him a visit. and if it was proven it
was him, he'd be looking at some harsh jail time.

Christian or No Christian, This nonsense has went on long enough, and
I'm tired of reading the troll posts. You trolls are on notice. cut the
crap, or I will start notifing ISPs and getting access cut.
Nuff Said,

-Chuck K8CPA