October 19th 04, 12:56 AM
Cool deal.
Thanks, Frank.
Frank Gilliland wrote:
On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 17:49:00 GMT, sideband wrote
in :
I know it's much belated, but I owe you an apology for all the BS I
threw at you in my ignorance back before I was licensed. You,
initially, did nothing to deserve the attitude, insults, and
inappropriate behavior I sent your way. I apologize for that.
Just clearing the air. No hard feelings, I hope.
I haven't the foggiest of what you are talking about, but if you did
as you say, don't apologize. I'm a stubborn and arrogant asshole, and
I stroke a lot of people the wrong way. Like it or hate it, that's
just who I am. And just for the sake of mentioning it, I don't hold
any animosity towards anyone in this newsgroup (assuming, of course,
Phil Covington isn't lurking).
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