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Old October 19th 04, 04:11 AM
Posts: n/a

"Jim Hampton" wrote in message
"harvey" wrote in message
ok after a few monhts of reading here and some digging, my assumptions
are what some hams or whatever who kinda take it upon themselves to
the airwaves call people who take part in keydowns and has become anyone
who talksabout amp use on 11 meters or cb channels or discusses more
legal power on cb??
from what i understand some of them have had run-ins on air and/or in
anti keyclowns:
are the ones who search for them and turn them in to the fcc by filing
homosexual talk:
this is brought on by trolls and puppets of one or possibly both

i enjoy posts by both sides when on topic
i dont take sides or care, its **** that happened long before i found the

if i have stepped on anyones toes i really dont give a damn cause no one
ever gives a true answer to the question when its asked, it usually jus
brings out a slew of trolls
jus my two cents

Hello, Harv

I hate to tell you this, but you just bit on one hook, line, sinker,
bait and boat

Must be one of those frankenfish LOL

Don't sweat it; there are folks with legitimate questions and other
with legitimate answers. In between those posts are the 90% of the
junk that tends to fill this newsgroup. Don't worry; the ham
newsgroups aren't much better.

As far as the language and various sexual references, bear in mind
that you will be dealing with some 30, 40, 50, and 60 year old
adolescent minds in here )

Best regards from Rochester, NY

Good response Jim............... Go RedSox's!

1 man out, 1 man on, bottom of the 12th.


The world is good-natured to people
who are good natured.